Today, the 22 April, is the official Earth Day 2010 Campaign - forty years after the first Earth Day. 40 years on I am not too sure we have accomplished much - possibly have caused more destruction within that time than anything else. Awareness has definitely increased with regards to Green Issues but action still seems to be lagging behind.
In light of recent events (the eruption of Iceland's volcano, earthquakes in both Afghanistan and China) even the most hardened politician and industrialist should surely be raising an eyebrow and pondering just how long we can continue along this abusive path of our planet and its resources. Some might once have lulled themselves into the belief that total environmental chaos would not happen in their lifetime, and, when it does, our children's children would by then have conquered other planets to emigrate to.
The ongoing escalation of nature's revolt seems to no longer be simple warnings but rather a dire reaction in a chain of cataclysmic events. It clearly illustrates a bold NO in answer to the question "Are we doing enough?". In contrast we simply are not doing anything AT ALL.
Each and every one of us are to blame for the growing landfills of thrown away cellphones, computers and plastic. We flush chemicals into our drainage systems without much thought to its consequences to the environment DESPITE our grown awareness of these significant earth issues.
Today is the ideal opportunity to evaluate your contribution to the destruction of our planet and pose the question to yourself and your household: "Are we doing anything AT ALL to curb the obliteration of our ONLY earth?"