Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting from where you are to where you want to be

So, I'm reading Jack Canfield's The Success Principles (well, actually started last year but have tackled it with some vigour as a new year dawns!) which is really all about setting goals and taking the right steps to achieving them. And in amongst all of this goal-setting there is one goal, one huge, all important goal that needs to be made, what he terms the "breakthrough goal" - and what I have called the Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

I'm not there yet - setting that great big goal I mean - my brain is still reeling at the thought of setting 101 goals for myself. One hundred and one goals?! For real? In one go - do I have one hundred and one goals that need to be attained?

It's a daunting thought and yet when you think about it, isn't there so much that we want to do, so much we want to have and so much that we want to be before we die that 101 shouldnt be all that great a number? Like someone once said "If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals". Hmm.

So I sat down with one of my many notebooks (I have a love for notebooks, all those empty pages waiting to be filled!) and began to jot down all that I want to do, have and be. And to keep on inspiring myself to keep at it, doggedly, determinedly I have started this blog so that I may fill it with the ideas, visions and imaginings that will make up my Big Hairy Audacious Plan!


Angelika on January 2, 2010 at 10:08 PM said...

Just remember to aim for the moon, even if you miss you'll still land among the stars! :) Happy 2010!

Frances on October 12, 2011 at 9:49 AM said...

I also like notebooks, and lists. Sometimes I read my old lists, and am pleasantly surprised to find most of the items accomplished. Which is at odds with the feeling I have most of the time, which is that I'm not getting enough done!

WHOO are we? on October 12, 2011 at 10:25 AM said...

Hi Frances

Which is exactly what good old Canfield (who co-wrote Chicken Soup for the Soul) was on about. If you write it down you actually realign your mind in that direction and before you consciously realise it you've accomplished it.

I sometimes think the feeling that we're not getting anyway is actually our minds straining at the reigns and willing us to get to where we want to go!

Frances on October 12, 2011 at 11:18 AM said...

Well, that's a useful way of looking at it! Sort of non-pathologising. I'll take it for a ride...

Random Rambling

The year is certainly drawing swiftly towards a close. For a lot of us it has definitely been a tough year. Economically our environment has been recovering from a Recession amid fears of a double dip, which has a ripple effect on our jobs, income and ultimately how we interact with our own world.

For me it definitely has not been my most adventurous or high energy year. To some degree a certain amount of Waiting has been done. Despite a volatile market (work, economic, physical) within which we find ourselves surviving I still think it is no excuse to rest on our laurels. In fact this should serve as a greater impetus to push harder and expect more. Then with certainty we can say 2012 will be an excellent year!

My Inspirational Reads

  • Jack Canfield: The Success Principles
